This is my blog.
Age 35, Male
Atlanta, Ga
Joined on 12/9/05
This is my comment in your blog.
this might be the greatest post i have ever seen
It's... other worldly...
wow your nathans brother
yeah, we're twins.
hi how are you
I'm burning a CD-RW :)
sex is entertaining you know but so is micheal jacksons face :3
How on earth did you got to be one of the Tank Awards Judges?
i had a one night stand with tom
whats this about twins and one night stands?!
YAY lol
Have my babies please.
i cant, i had my testicles removed :(
At last, you finally have an icon ;P I hated looking at that X on the voting page...
... OH WAIT, IT'S STILL THERE. Oh well, maybe next year ;)
yeah, i know, i uploaded that photo in hopes of that icon on the voting page to change, but it guess tom put it there manually...oh well :P
Best blog I've seen all day