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Shake The World is our first self-titled project; this endeavor will celebrate the launch of our new independent film production group. The movie is an interactive, not-for-profit documentary that will showcase simultaneous events taking place all around the world at the exact same time.
How does it work? On April 11th, 2009, at 4PM Pacific Time, record yourself or your surroundings for 1 minute; sixty seconds of your life, any way you want to frame it. But we want you to be creative! Anything you find interesting can be on camera.
In March, we'll provide you with details on how you can record your video on April 11th. You'll be provided with submission guidelines, when you should be recording depending on your time zone, and promotions that we'll offer if you give the world something really interesting to look at.
If you haven't checked out our promotional video, be sure to see it. We'll be keeping you up to date on every thing as time moves forward.
You can check out our website and more information about it here!
Link people to the youtube video... try to get the word out! Were going on word of mouth advertising here! :3
Also be apart of the Collab, you can read more about that here.
Awesome, man! I'm so in!