Age 35, Male
Atlanta, Ga
Joined on 12/9/05
only 1 year left to die lol
is that the bad idea?
...the little globe with the pistol was kinda cute/twisted. i liked that.
But overall, in my opinion anyway, this whole 2012 thing is nonsense.
remember "Y2K?" did that ACTUALLY happen? no. shit, people thought that was going to be the end of the world. computers, televisions, airplanes, trains, blah blah blah, shutting down, okay whatever. ha 11 years later, whoa, were all still here! surprising? nah. whatever, fuck 2012. i'm going to seriously regret posting this. *wipes sweat from brow.*
y2k != 2012
December 21th? What the fuck? I guess Armageddon invalidates all kinds of rules.
Here I thought I was gonna die on the 21st, I would have looked like such a fool.
Yeah, I suppose. As a matter of fact, when we're born, we're already dying, in a way.
I'll have to use this year to the fullest.
good thing there is no such thing as a "Dec. 21th"
<a href="http://www.bible.ca/pre-date-setters.htm">http://www.bible.ca/pre-date-setters.
Another example: The day the Large Hadron Collider was activated. Heck, that actually made more sense, because, however small, there was a tiny cause for concern with using technology as advanced as that.... But all of this, "We're going to do die on this date at this time for.... I don't know, we just are." stuff makes no sense.
the whole 2012 theory is, frankly, bull. The mayans did actally believe it was going to happen, but thay also believed in a 20 foot tall snake wth feathers.
A snake.
Seriously, WTF??!?
Shit really got me thinking. Not sure why.
To be fair, raptors had feathers.
*Responds to topic* Whine and you're going to die in a few days. Whatever flight from Denmark to Savannah is fastest.
i already know whats gonna happen.
see, when Y2K happened, the Devil was a little new at this whole "apocalypse" thing, and it took a whole year before it actually happened, but it did. Bush got elected.
I figure the Devil's gonna polish his skills a bit more and when 2012 hits, the re-election will be one by the worst party.
Like what the critics said, the Bible states multiple times that we will never know the exact date of the end times.
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Mat. 24:36).
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Mat. 24:42).
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Mat. 24:44).
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh" (Mat. 25:13).
However, Evans said that Matthew also said "God the Father knows when Christ will return, and that God will tell His people what He's going to do."
Yes, God did give us the blueprints of what will happen during the end times with the Anti-Christ and the whole ordeal but never mentioned a specific date, just a whole bunch of signs to look out for.
Saaaaad Face!
It's gonna be so fun to make fun of the people who did things they wouldn't normally do because they thought they were gonna die.